Dallas Homeowners: Monthly Lawn & Garden Tips

So, fact: Summertime is hot in Texas. I don’t hear anyone arguing!

If you are anything like me, summertime in Dallas always ends up claiming at least one of my plants, as it is annihilated by the heat.  It’s a tragic loss, and it is one that doesn’t have to happen!  Extreme heat doesn’t have to take another victim!  There are numerous steps that can be done to protect your plants from the stress of the heat.  It is important not only what you do to protect your plants, but when you do it.

Below are some important steps to take during the summer, broken down by month, to keep your lawns lush and your flowers perky.  For sake of this article, we will consider the summer months to be May-September, although we know around it can start earlier and last into “winter.”

To keep it simple, I have narrowed it down to a list of 3 steps that I find to be useful for each month.  (According to Live Science, research has found that the mind’s limit to remember is 3-4 things at one time) Several references were used, along with personal experience.  If you would like to find a more comprehensive list, one good guide is an article published by the Dallas County Master Gardener Association, Inc.;  it contains great advice for our local area.


  1. To kick off the start of summer, go ahead and replace your spring annuals with summer flowers. A few good varieties are gaura and Mexican zinnia.
  2. Take a look at your trees and prune off any limbs damaged from any freezes during the cooler weather.
  3. Keep your eyes open for bugs in-and-around your lawn and garden.  We all tend to migrate outside as the months get warmer, and bugs are no exception.


  1. June is an ideal time to aerate your yard.  It is vital that essential nutrients can reach the soil.  This allows air and water through to the soil.
  2. The afternoon sun can zap the energy and life out of a plant. Move plants, such as hibiscus, where they will be less affected by afternoon sun.
  3. Even with water restrictions, in summer month like June, you have to watch the water level, which can lower due to evaporation. You also want to water deeply, as this helps roots grow down.


  1. To give plants a little release, and to wash off any bugs, mist plants in the early morning.  Just like a shower for us, a good mist is the best way for a plant to start the day.
  2. Again, for those of us under water restrictions, one great idea is to use grey water when you can, the relatively clean waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances. This helps you stay within your restrictions and reduce waste.
  3. July is a great time to plant warm season grass. These grasses, such as Bermuda and St. Augustine, are more drought resistant than some other grasses.


  1. Hummingbirds can do a lot to keep your yard festive.  This is around the time when migrating species are stopping by.  Make sure your feeders are ready for them by leaving full and clean.
  2. In August, you are going to water less often (Daily watering can quickly leach nutrients out of the soil), but will do so for an extended amount of time to discourage problems. Remember, though, even during the summer you can overwater so keep your eyes out for signs.
  3. August is a great time to plant ground covers and tropical and warm season annuals. It is also a good time for rose bushes.


  1. For a fresh look in your yard, September is a great time to plant wildflower seeds as it starts to (hopefully) get a little cooler.  Press into soil surface to improve germination.
  2. To help get plants ready for the cooler months that are approaching, this is a good time to fertilize your plants.
  3. Start planning and looking for new trees to plant in the Fall.

This list isn’t at all comprehensive, but it is a good start for us garden warriors as we try to fight the warm summer months.

Still have questions about lawn care and gardening in Dallas? Visit our Dallas lawn care page to read more articles like this one. Also, comments are highly encouraged!

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Wikilawn’s mission is to provide the best resources and information to help you enjoy your outdoor spaces the way you want. Whether you are a DIY, lawn-loving, gardening guru, or someone who wants help in picking a local lawn care professional, we can smooth your path to a beautiful backyard!

About Wikilawn

Wikilawn’s mission is to provide the best resources and information to help you enjoy your outdoor spaces the way you want. Whether you are a DIY, lawn-loving, gardening guru, or someone who wants help in picking a local lawn care professional, we can smooth your path to a beautiful backyard!