Caudiciform plants is a large group of plants that form caudex – a fat stem or root. The caudex in most Caudiciform plants is prominent and gives these plants a uniquely unusual shape and character. Caudiciform plants make excellent specimen plants. Take the example of Adenium obesum, Beaucarnea gracilis, Cycas revoluta, most Cyphostemmas, and Dioscorea […]
There are so many reasons why you should get a greenhouse in your garden. From being able to turn your gardening hobby into a full-time passion, to looking after your wellbeing and not to mention all the nutritional benefits of growing your own food. Here are the reasons why you should get a greenhouse in your […]
The Garden Dispatch is a weekly compilation of useful and interesting resources for gardeners and landscape designers. You can subscribe to our Full RSS Feed Follow us on Twitter, and Become a fan on Facebook The 101 of Growing Hedges for Big & Small Gardens No matter what the size of your gardens is, hedges make a […]