50 Best Gardening Blogs of 2020
BY CARMEN DEXTER | MAY 13TH, 2020 | BLOG, GARDEN DECOR, GARDEN DESIGN, GARDEN DISPATCH, GARDEN LANDSCAPE, HOME & GARDEN, HOME & GARDENIt takes more than a green thumb to grow a good garden: usually a lot of blisters, calluses, and dirt under the nails. It also helps to rely on the expertise of others — as long as they really are experts.
To make things easier, Wikilawn has plucked the best gardening blogs for you. Our judges scanned thousands of blogs, looking for innovative ideas, eco-friendly advice, and the quality of writing. To win the Wiki-Wonder Award, the blog also had to have a presence on social media.

Here are the 50 top gardening blogs worthy of the Wiki-Wonder Award:
Gardening Know How
Author: Heather Rhoades, Staff
Gardening Know How started small after gardener Heather Rhoades had trouble finding user-friendly gardener websites and decided to focus on non-technical information that anyone could use. She wants folks to feel comfortable asking for gardening advice and not made to feel incompetent.
Favorite Post 2020: Dog-Friendly Vegetables: 7 Garden Veggies to Grow for Dogs
Get Busy Gardening
Author: Amy Andrychowicz
Amy Andrychowicz aims her blog at new gardeners, but Get Busy Gardening also has information for those with an experienced green thumb. Amy’s been gardening most of her life and has grown everything from trees and shrubs to flowers and fruit. If you want to get your hands in the dirt but don’t know where to start, Get Busy Gardening is for you.
Favorite Post 2020: Tips for Creating a Bee-Friendly Garden
Garden Rant
Founders: Susan Harris, Elizabeth Licata, Michele Owens, Amy Stewart
Garden Rant isn’t your average, everyday gardening blog. Its writers take the word “rant” seriously! You’re not likely to find how-to’s on this site; instead, they may take a side on a gardening issue and rant or rave about it, usually with humor. Amusing conversations about gardening is what Garden Rant is all about.
Favorite Post 2020: A Very Rocky Obsession
Plant Care Today
Author: Gary Antosh
Gary’s blog has been online for nearly eight years, but his journey into the world of plants started 47 years ago. Growing rare plants is his specialty. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced gardener, Gary says you’ll always find something to learn and something to share on Plant Care Today.
Favorite Post 2020: 8 Mistakes Tomato Growers Make That Cause Problems
Urban Organic Gardener
Author: Various Garden Experts
Interested in growing your own food? Urban Organic Gardener’s got you covered. These experts help you grow an organic, non-GMO garden year-round. UOG promises to get your hands in the soil and get you reconnecting with nature.
Favorite Post 2020: Gardening Projects Kids Will Love
A Way to Garden
Author: Margaret Roach
Margaret Roach named her blog after a book she wrote early in her gardening career. She’s a retired newspaper and magazine garden editor, an organic-style gardener, and a vegetarian. According to Margaret, you should “always say no to chemicals and yes to great plants.”
Favorite Post 2020: Growing Potatoes Organically: When and How to Plant, Hill and Harvest
Garden Ambition
Author: Lucy M. Clark
When Lucy started gardening about 14 years ago, she says she had no idea what she was doing! She spent a lot of time speaking to successful gardeners face-to-face. She hopes her blog allows you the same opportunities online. Garden Ambition is for wannabe gardeners who aren’t sure where to start.
Favorite Post 2020: 8 Tips on How to Get Rid of Clover Naturally
Grow a Good Life
Author: Rachel
Want to make some big changes in your life but not sure where to start? Rachel, creator of Grow a Good Life, says get back to basics: Grow organic food, preserve the harvest, and make delicious meals from fresh ingredients. Learn how to use a mix of sustainable gardening methods, end your reliance on grocery store produce and preserve what your grow, so you can eat it year-round.
Favorite Post 2020: Benefits of Crop Rotation for Your Vegetable Garden
Espoma Organic
Author: Various Writers
The family-run Espoma Company’s been around for nearly 100 years and is the leading provider of organic fertilizers for the lawn and garden industry. The Espoma blog hasn’t been around nearly as long, but it’s quite popular, with more than a quarter-million followers on Facebook. You’ll find tips and information on flowers, plants, and mulching.
Favorite Post 2020: Gothic Gardening — The Darkest Plants
Gardener’s Path
Various Authors
Writers and photographers for Gardener’s Path come from across the globe, bringing advice, troubleshooting tips, and in-depth reviews to its readers. You’ll find posts on a variety of plants, from annuals to edibles to ornamental. Gardener’s Path hopes to help you take your gardening skills to the next level.
Favorite Post 2020: How to Grow and Care for Olive Trees
Epic Gardening
Author: Kevin Espiritu
Kevin Espiritu gets straight to the point when it comes to the goal of Epic Gardening. He wants to help 10 million people around the world learn how to grow plants. His blog blends science and nature to bring you the best information on growing your own food, preventing garden pests and diseases, and creative gardening techniques like hydroponics!
Favorite Post 2020: Regrown Green Onions and Sprouted Onions
The Survival Gardener
Author: David The Good
With more than 30 years of gardening experience, David The Good is about growing the most food with the least amount of work. He started his site eight years ago in Florida and has since gone international. The Survival Gardener focuses on old fashioned farming, natural ecosystems, and “lots” of experimentation.
Favorite Post 2020: Watermelons Growing in Sand
Big Blog of Gardening
Author: Todd Heft
Flower gardens, vegetable gardens, lawns; you can find advice and information about all of them at Big Blog of Gardening. Founded 11 years ago by Todd Heft, the site centers around organic/sustainable gardening. Or, as Todd calls it, gardening and landscaping.
Favorite Post 2020: A Short History of the American Lawn
Garden Therapy
Author: Stephanie
After illness kept her in bed for a year-and-a-half, Stephanie discovered gardening as a way to restore both her physical and mental health. Soon she was growing flowers and, after that, vegetables for food. She uses her blog to connect with others who spend time in the garden to heal.
Favorite Post 2020: How to Start a Garden From Scratch Without Breaking the Bank
The Impatient Gardener
Author: Erin
Erin started gardening when she was a toddler, at least according to family photos. Fast-forward to adulthood, where she filled an apartment patio with so many plants, no one could see or walk through it. That led to her buying a house with enough room for three gardens. The Impatient Gardener leads you through real-life gardening; the good, the bad, and the funny!
Favorite Post 2020: Compost 101 (Just Do It)
Author: Christy Wilhelmi
Are you obsessed with gardening? Christy Wilhelmi wants you to visit her blog. Gardenerd offers up organic gardening advice such as how to turn land into a productive vegetable garden. Christy is convinced gardening combines physical activity and healthy food choices to provide “a grounding spiritual and creative outlet.”
Favorite Post 2020: Recipe: Intro to Aquafaba
Cold Climate Gardening
Author: Kathy Purdy
Living in a cold climate may not seem to lend itself to gardening. The trick, says Kathy Purdy, is to choose plants suited to the temperatures and the soil. Cold Climate Gardening is your site to find information on plants that survive the cold, particularly in upstate New York, where she’s gardened for more than 25 years. You’ll also learn how to grow climate-friendly vegetables, garden design, and hardscaping.
Favorite Post 2020: Worried for Your Plants With This Weather?
Park Seed
Author: Various Authors
The blog is an offshoot of the Park Seed Company, which dates back to 1868. There have been a lot of advances in gardening since then and the blog reflects that. You’ll find posts on vegetables, herbs, flowers, germinating seeds, and tips on protecting your garden from predators. Park Seed is one of American’s oldest mail-order seed and plant companies and you’ll find info on pretty much all things gardening on their blog.
Favorite Post 2020: Rascally Rabbits: How to Stop Rabbits From Eating Plants
Harvest to Table
Author: Steve Albert
Steve writes his blog from his utility room with the door to the kitchen on one side and the door to the garden on the other. Appropriate, as he cooks and eats what he grows (and gives plenty away, too). Harvest to Table is for gardeners of all levels. The goal is to find easy solutions to common garden problems.
Favorite Post 2020: Companion Planting in the Vegetable Garden
Seed Money
Various Authors
This site originally focused on helping home gardeners. Today, it centers around supporting and helping finance public garden projects such as school, community, and homeless shelter gardens. Look for pieces on the value of home gardens, some how-tos on planting, and documentation of the projects Seed Money has worked on.
Favorite Post 2020: Roosevelt High School Urban Farm, Three Sisters Culinary Garden
You Grow Girl
Author: Gayla Trail
It’s been 20 years since Gayla launched her blog. It has grown into a site that seeks to change our relationship to plants. You Grow Girl takes a laid-back approach to organic gardening, looking at affordability, environmentalism and style. Gayla says her blog is for everyone from gardeners to cooks, to creators, to the just plain curious.
Favorite Post 2020: The First Leafy Greens Harvest Of The Season
Garden Betty
Author: Linda Ly
Linda Ly started her site as a personal blog but it’s now one of the leading resources on gardening. The focal points of Garden Betty are modern homesteading, farm-to-table cooking, and outdoor adventuring. Linda is also the author of the “No-Waste Vegetable Cookbook,” finding ways to use up all the veggies we grow or buy.
Favorite Post 2020: Defending the Dandelion: It’s Not Just Another Weed
Bee Better Naturally
Author: Helen Yoest
Helen Yoest wants to better the world, one garden at a time, by giving wildlife what it needs to survive. Bee Better Naturally teaches you how to select the best plants to sustain our birds, bees, and butterflies over their lifecycle. Linda emphasizes being pesticide-free, even from organic pesticides. You’ll learn to accept that there will be damage done to plants that host insects, and that’s OK.
Favorite Post 2020: XX Days Lockdown During 2020 Pandemic: The Garden Never Looked Better!
Morning Chores
Various Authors
Created with the premise that it’s hard to find gardening guides you can trust, Morning Chores aims to bring you information and stories that help you grow a thriving garden, learn new skills, and save money. The writing team is scattered across the U.S. and around the world. The one thing they all have in common? Each one has experience in gardening, so they know their plants.
Favorite Post 2020: 15 Easy Ingredient Substitutions if You Can’t Get to the Store
Garden Collage
Various Authors
This contemporary look at natural living with posts on herbal healing, seasonal foods, and the stories plants can tell. You’ll find categories such as “Nourish,” “Heal,” “Change,” and “Inspire.” With a presence on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and hundreds of thousands of followers, Garden Collage uses influencers to bring their stories to social media.
Favorite Post 2020: 5 Classic Fairytale Love Stories About Plants
Author: Pam Penick
Pam Penick is a Texan with a penchant for getting dirt under her nails. Digging is for folks who want to feel connected to nature, through real-life plant info, garden design, and virtual garden tours. Like Pam says, it’s for “dirt-under-the-nails types and armchair gardeners alike.”
Favorite Post 2020: Grapey Gorgeous Texas Mountain Laurel
Gardening Gone Wild
Author: Fran Sorin
Fran Sorin started her blog back in 2007, with an emphasis on how to create bold, organic, low maintenance and drought-resistant gardens. These days, you’ll still find those types of posts, along with more. Want to know how to effectively use color in your garden? Gardening Gone Wild’s got you covered. How about amazing photos of unique plants and flowers? Covered. You’ll also learn why gardening’s good for your health.
Favorite Post 2020: Can Landscaping Protect a Home From Fire?
Mother Earth News
Various Authors
Living green is what it’s all about at Mother Earth News. It’s the longest-running sustainable-lifestyle magazine, and the advice on the pages carries over to the online posts. Organic foods, country living, green transportation, and natural health are some of the topics you’ll find. And if you’re wondering what to do with the veggies you just picked, Mother Earth News has recipes, as well.
Favorite Post 2020: Home Canning Guide: Learn How to Can Your Own Food
Urban Gardeners Republic
Various Authors
City living doesn’t mean you can’t have a garden. Urban Gardeners Republic’s mission is to create 1000 gardens in 100 cities around the world over the next five years. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, this blog aims to encourage you to grow your own food, teach your kids how to garden, and build a green space at home.
Favorite Post 2020: Indoor Garden Tips and Ideas For All Gardeners
Serenity in the Garden
Author: Jan Johnsen
Going green is what it’s all about for Jan, who designs landscapes and pools and writes books, including “Heaven Is a Garden – Designing Serene Outdoor Spaces for Inspiration and Reflection.” Serenity In The Garden aims to show you how to use a garden to enhance your wellbeing.
Favorite Post 2020: Milk Carton Gardens
Savvy Gardening
Authors: Jessica Walliser, Niki Jabbour, Tara Nolan
Three voices of gardening expertise make up Savvy Gardening. Jessica, Niki and Tara want you to get out in your garden and experiment. The blog offers information on food, interactions between insects and plants, and ways to reconnect with nature.
Favorite Post 2020: Landscape Borders: Eye-Catching Edging Ideas
Washington Gardener
Author: Kathy Jantz
Kathy is determined to leave a very small environmental footprint behind and is committed to doing all she can to protect the planet. At Washington Gardener, they source 100% wind power and use vegetable-based inks and recycled paper for printing. In this blog, look for tips on building a garden, safety, and transitioning the kitchen garden from spring into early summer.
Favorite Post 2020: Plant Profile: Carex
Family Food Garden
Author: Isis Loran
When you grow your own food, you can control what you put into your body, whether it’s tea, herbs, wild foraged food, or fruits and vegetables. Isis loves growing heirlooms and experimenting with plants. Family Food Garden covers garden planning, homesteading and permaculture, such as growing a pollinator garden.
Favorite Post 2020: How to Keep Your Greenhouse Cool in the Summer
Home Garden Joy
Author: Jeanne Grunert
On her voyage from a city slicker to farm girl, Jeanne moved from New York City to Farmersville, Va. Regardless of where she was living, plants and gardening were her thing. Home Garden Joy shares posts on how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs plus some surprising info like how to make a bee water station with things you find at the dollar store.
Favorite Post 2020: Asian Murder Hornets: What Gardeners Need to Know
Tilly’s Nest
Author: Melissa Caughey
The first thing you notice about Tilly’s Nest is chickens. Lots of chickens. A second to the fowl is gardening. Melissa lives by the New England seaside and keeps you updated on chickens, gardening, bees, art, and food.
Favorite Post 2020: Spring Awakenings: Delights of the Season
Small Town Gardener
Author: Marianne Willburn
Growing plants reminds Marianne how fulfilling it is to work with your hands. These days of digital living find some gardeners glued to Pinterest and other sites, collecting information but forgetting to do anything with it. Small Town Gardener helps you reconnect with the actual garden, whether it’s on your balcony, in your backyard, or on ten acres in your field.
Favorite Post 2020: Vegetable Gardening on a Smaller Scale
Red Dirt Ramblings
Author: Dee Nash
Dee once grew 90 rose bushes and more than 200 daylilies. You might say she’s garden-obsessed. Oklahoma born and raised, she loves getting her hands in the red dirt. Her blog offers tips on how to grow your own transplants from seed, when to buy bulbs for spring flowers, and the basics of container gardening.
Favorite Post 2020: Heart-Shaped Plants
Green Talk
Author: Anna Hackman
Green Talk began as a blog about green building, as Anna had just finished building an eco-friendly house. It’s evolved into a site about gardening, herbs, and food preservation, with some green living still sprinkled in. Anna promotes health, hope, and happiness, which she says you can achieve by growing and preserving your own food.
Favorite Post 2020: How to Successfully Grow Indoor Seedlings Using the Right Light
The Horticult
Authors: Chantal Aida Gordon, Ryan Benoit
Chantal and Ryan created their blog seven years ago as newbies to gardening. As they experimented with plants and interviewed the experts, they shared everything they learned with their readers. Now, accomplished gardeners, they bring to The Horticult a guide to enjoying a plant-infused lifestyle, including how to serve up herb-garnished cocktails.
Favorite Post 2020: Show Thyme: How to Build an Outdoor Theater in Your Garden
May Dreams Gardens
Author: Carol Michel
Carol calls herself an eccentric gardening geek. This Indiana gardener writes about how to select and use the right tools, gardening clubs you may want to join and, of course, house plants, outdoor plants, and colorful blossoms. May Dreams Gardens also encourages you to keep a garden diary. Who knows? Maybe you’ll start your own garden blog.
Favorite Post 2020: The Garden Fairies May Need to Defend Themselves
My Desired Home
Author: Eva
My Desired Home describes itself as the place to go when home deco and DIY need inspiration, but the blog also focuses on gardening. Want to know the secret to growing tasty tomatoes in pots? Learn why bamboo is the new trend for your garden. Or read about DIY ideas to transform a tree trunk into a beautiful garden decoration.
Favorite Post 2020: Dipladenia, the Amazing Brazilian Jasmine in Your Pot and Garden
The 104 Homestead
Author: Jessica Lane
Jessica lives a nearly self-sufficient life with her three kids in Maine. She grows as much food as she can and what she can’t grow, she barters for. The 104 Homestead follows her journey into homesteading. If you want to be more self-sufficient but don’t know where to start, you’ll find the answers on this blog.
Favorite Post 2020: There’s No Reason Not to Grow Your Own Food
Bees and Roses
Author: Jenny
A certified master gardener, Jenny wants to tell you all she can about outdoor living. Whether it’s landscaping, planting trees, or flowers, Bees and Roses has what you need to be successful in the garden. Jenny’s posts include advice on creating permaculture designs for your backyard and tips for growing tomatoes upside down. That’s right. Upside down!
Favorite Post 2020: Victory Gardens: a Blast From the Past
Real Men Sow
Author: Jono Stevens
Thirteen years ago, Jono took up gardening with his mom. He says a steady stream of tasty fruits and veggies have made their way to his kitchen ever since. You’ll find advice for beginning gardeners and tips for buying cheap seeds. Jono hopes his blog captures the joy of growing your own food and living within the seasons.
Favorite Post 2020: 6 Tips for Composting Down Your Spent Crops
Shawna Coronado
Author: Shawna Coronado
When Shawna was diagnosed with a debilitating disease, she set out to find ways to decrease the pain. Focusing on growing organic produce and plants for food, while also sharing anti-inflammatory recipes, Shawna has a “make a difference” passion, zeroing in on wellness.
Favorite Post 2020: Purple Basil Is a Great Ornamental Edible
High Altitude Gardening
Author: Kate
Kate gardens in a high-plain desert at an elevation of 7,000 feet. Sound challenging? It is. This Utah blogger is a certified master gardener who plants native flowers to adapt to the dry, harsh conditions. High Altitude Gardening offers advice on which seeds to buy and which vegetables to plant.
Favorite Post 2020: The Divine Inspiration of … Onions?
Skippy’s Vegetable Garden
Author: Kathy
Kathy is a biochemist who gardens as a hobby. The blog is named after Skippy, her first dog who followed her through the garden. Though Skippy is no longer here, his memory lives on through the blog. Kathy shares advice from expert gardeners, including gardening projects you can do in your kitchen and templates for garden plans.
Favorite Post 2020: Growing Sprouts and Microgreens
Urban Gardens
Author: Robin Plaskoff Horton
Urban Gardens starts at the beginning, from planting and cultivating to harvesting. The blog combines urban style, design, sustainable living, and travel. Robin grew up in several countries and uses her experience on her blog, scouting the world for food and design trends.
Favorite Post 2020: Horticulture Therapy Cultivates Healing and Hope for Seniors
Veg Plotting
Author: Michelle
Michelle doesn’t claim to be an expert gardener but she hopes you’ll find useful information in Veg Plotting. She writes about discovering things about gardening, cooking what you grow, and spotting spring flowers. The gardening bug didn’t really bite her until she was an adult, but she’s making up for lost time.
Favorite Post 2020: It Started With a Lemon
Landscape Design By Lee
Author: Lee Miller
ee says she’s had a shovel in her hand since age 5. She’s a lifetime gardener, book author and now a landscape designer. Lee stays current with horticulture practices and shares what she learns on her blog. You’ll also find gorgeous pictures of flowers and plants on her page.
Favorite Post 2020: Garden Bloggers Bloom Day & Foliage Follow